For the Grown & Saved!

Are you a Bible Bestie, Boss, or Baddie?

WHO: The Girlies Who Get It!                                 

The Bible Beauty Co. Sisterhood is for women who are committed or are ready to commit to actually putting their faith in action and doing so unapologetically.

We also offer a membership tier that is specifically for female, Christian entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their faith-based business.

    WHAT: It's Giving What You've Been Praying For.

    Resources and support to help you live and lead a beautiful life anchored in biblical boldness. Grow & glow through:

    • Bible Studies
    • Prayer & Intercession Calls
    • Spiritual & Biblical Lifestyle Guides
    • Sessions and Webinars 
    • +More

    WHY: God Said What He Said & Meant What He Said.

    Sis, your faith is undeniable. Now it's time to put in that work because there's so much that God wants to accomplish through you. You are a vessel that God has masterfully designed for His glory. He wants to be in deep relationship with you, and as in any good relationship, intentionality is required.

    Allow Bible Beauty Co. to be that faith space for you!

     Visit the Bible Beauty Co. Sisterhood on Patreon and click on the "Join" button.


    Sponsor a Christian Woman's Membership

    Help a Christian woman Live Biblically and Lead Beautifully by sponsoring her membership to the Bible Beauty Co. Sisterhood.

    By discipling in this way, you will gift your Christian girlfriend access to resources & a community of bold believers who are committed to walking alongside her has she grows in her faith

    To sponsor a membership, simply visit the Bible Beauty Co. Sisterhood on Patreon and click on the "Join" button.

    Please be sure to enter the Name, Email, and Password for the Women you want to sponsor. 

    We look forward to helping you make a difference in the life of a Christian woman!


    Sponsor a Christian Woman's Membership

    Help a Christian woman Live Biblically and Lead Beautifully by sponsoring her membership to the Bible Beauty Co. Sisterhood.